all that glitters is not a Forever 21 dress

2:31 AM

Hello. There's 29 days to finals and I ain't study much. Terbaik. Anyways, I have a Twitter, as you guys know. I mean, I do realize my tweets are lame and it doesn't even make sense. But, do follow me. Why am I still thinking about Twitter when I'm suppose t study. I'm just reporting about what I have did. Yes, I'm a secretary wannabe.

Went to Oren Sport Welfare Run Klang. I do not have the *ehem* cramps as I did during Run 4 It so I beat my mom. I completed it for 47 minutes. I mean, the champion managed to finish it for 32 minutes. Well, just 15 minutes difference. I mean, what do you expect from a newbie runner? Oops, sorry for being bipolar. Back to story, I didn't sleep cause I had to go to Sarah's house that evening. I saw Iman and Nadhirah, it was uhm okay, until her primary friends came and we were departed to her living room. I helped Iman to download Instagram in her iPod. We took pictures lalalala. We played this passing game which Sarah played in her KRS camp. It goes like this,

Pindahkan tempat batu kecil ini, pindahkan ia ke sana ke mari,Si Betina bertelur, telurnya tinggal satu, telur, telur, telur, telur
Yes, it would be a song that Aliah would totally made fun out of it. It was fun though. Isn't the cat adorable?

We did preparation as Dato' Mufti will come to our house. Well, he really does come monthly to discuss about religion matters. I didn't actually do anything to help. I did, help accompany Mia as she was having fever. Pity her. I read Pretty Little Liars in iBooks. I officially completed reading Pretty Little Liars and Flawless. I'm reading perfect now. It is quite a good book for those who love Gossip Girl. I am not a Gossip Girl fan but Pretty Little Liars is an amazing mystery-teen novel series you have to read. Later, my mom and my aunties went to my mom's friend's open house. My aunties came cause one of my aunty are friends with my mom's friend's son, small world, don't you think? We ate nasi kerabu. One word, heaven.

My mom, aunties (again) and uncle went to Tropicana City Mall and watched Johnny English. It was hilarious, just the ending became a little lame. I mean, it IS a movie you've got to watch.

Rowan Atkinson as Johnny English.

Later, we lunched at Vicchuda and went home. We had to go home early cause Hanif (remember that uncle?) left his school bag in the car. Huhu. We could've watched Cars 2, The Smurfs and Conan the Barbarian

Report done.

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