when I am left with my aching soul

8:23 AM

(I have just come to the realization that my blog post titles usually never relate to what I'm going to write about)

Anyway, alhamdulillah, I am back in PJ. I feel so alive and I felt like I have escaped from prison. Not that I hate that school, but I feel like there's a slight freedom, despite the mountain of homework I have to do.

Let me summarize what happened this past month. Sit back and relax while I rant about my new school, MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba. (Now before you ask me where is this TGB place, it is in Jasin, Malacca)

1st week
I had to stand in front of the stage as I am the grandchild of the ex-YDP for the leaving-the-students-into-the-teachers'-management ceremony (which is pretty embarrassing because people would be like, "hey aren't you that girl who was on that stage at our first day?" "oh yeah I know you because of your messy tudung on that stage." (YES, HOW I WEAR MY TUDUNG IS SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE THERE) So basically I got into this homeroom with this beautiful teacher (more than that actually to say that she is beautiful would be an understatement) Ms. Sharizah. She understood my personal life and so I became an instant daughter after that. Sadly, since I decided to change from Pure Science to Sub Science, I changed homeroom and class. So I am now an Account student and I am taking 9 subjects as they prioritize quality over quantity. Anyway, we had orientation week so we had activities with the boards of MRSM TGB. They call the boards as BKP which stands for Badan Kepimpinan Pelajar. Basically, students with good GPA can qualify for these boards. They consist of Student Representative Council (SRC/BWP), Disciplinary Board (LDP), Badan Dakwah dan Rohani (BADAR), English Motivational Commitee (EMC) and Peer Counselors (PRS). I wasn't homesick.

2nd week
This starts our P&P. My teachers are really good, though I struggle to understand my Modern Maths teacher when he teaches, but well, I'm just going with the flow. As usual, my tradition of sleeping in class continues. I continuously buy caffeinated drinks to keep myself awake which is damaging my health slowly and painfully, I know. Anyway, coolest part of this particular week is that I started running for the exercise slot every evening. It isn't a must to exercise every day. But as an opportunist, I do make an effort to run as they don't know how rare it is for me to run in PJ. i NEVER get to run on weekdays in PJ because of security issues and activities at school. On my first day of running, I was the only girl who jogged so I came across some guys. Someone actually asked for water from me okay. I felt contented because running always makes me infinite. Like nothing is stopping me from going forward.

3rd week
This week was the activity week. Pictorial proof on my previous blog post. When they say activity week, it doesn't necessarily mean the oh-we're-gonna-have-fun. Yes, we do not study, but we have to attend loads of programs. In our case, our minds would trail off to our respective dreamland, if you get what I mean. However, I do respect those who could actually stay awake throughout the programs, seriously, how do they do it? Anyway, there were a couple of interesting things we did like debate and making waus etc. I felt fine. We had cross country on that Saturday. Seniors told me it was 10km, so I was prepared for the worst, then they said 7km, and then the teachers said 5km and I was like "okay I can speed more then." BUT HELL YEAH IT WASN'T EFFING 5KM IT WAS BASICALLY 7-10KM IT WAS A BLOODY LONG ROUTE. The blazing hot sun wasn't helping and I was thirsty but I kept on going. We had to go through an oil palm field while buffalos and cows do their business there and it was a trail run so my oncloud running shoe got torn. :( The good outcome despite all that was that I got 5th place so alhamdulillah.

4th week and 5th week
Back to studying, it got dreary and more tryouts for competitions were being held, one of them was spontaneous talk. I decided to try out for this since I had experience.


I didn't get in.

Since there were like others who are way talented than me so nope, I didn't get in.

And that's when everything starts crashing down.

I started missing Sri Aman and my friends and teachers, especially Ustazah Rohana who guided me throughout my spontaneous talk last year.
I also tried out for debate but I think I screwed it up so obviously I didn't get in.
I am nothing now.

The happy part is that I got messages from my friends saying that I got an award in Sri Aman, therefore Alhamdulillah. It is true, in every sorrow, there will be happiness.

6th week

This week is Sports Week. Monday we had rehearsals while Tuesday and Wednesday we had all the track and field events. Long story short, I was in 800m and 1500m and I got 4th place in both events. Life is gr8.

And now I'm home and I've watched Divergent and

aaasdshewuhfeufyjbvdfnbvuegfhjwdb its so perfect I can't even i-

it was brilliant though the book is 10000x better but still it's so good you guys HAVE TO WATCH IT.

No seriously watch it.

And read it.

Today, I ran 16km but this time with my mom's guy friend. He's damn fast though he was just slowing down for me and I kept questioning myself, "how the hell do people even run so fast and yet so long?" Well, I still managed to keep up with his pace so basically I had a great workout and I feel much better than before.

And I shopped till I dropped today (no really I literally just dropped when I get back home) it was exhausting but at least I get what I wanted, alhamdulillah)

Basically boarding school is fun. There are some minor setbacks but putting that aside, everything is alright and will be alright, InsyaAllah. Allah will never test me if I can't handle it. I will try to be strong and I will have to willingly accept the fact that I am no longer an active person competition-wise.

I hope everyone in Sri Aman is doing fine and so bye!

P.S to anyone in MRSM, please note that I have just left my zaman jahiliah so please tolerate with me if you ever stalk my blog, thank you. :)

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3 chit-chat(s)

  1. Hi good to hear your experience cuz I’m currently at TGB HHAHAHA the crashing down part is so true

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. If you were ever to do it again..would you? How good is the environment there? Socially.


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