
10:17 AM

Today at 8.12p.m, I had yet another closure hence I am now able to tell you;

I am going to Warwick University!

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah for everything.

I would really like to thank this university for giving me the chance to enter this university and for giving me an offer. It is one of the best university in UK after Oxbridge to study Economics in so I am very much looking forward to going to this university. Warwick University is a university in Coventry, United Kingdom.

Alhamdulillah, my plan is working out. I am still able to study in the UK and I will forever be blessed for this opportunity.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout, which led me to this journey. I now only have two goals in starting university in which I will keep it all to myself, for now :)

Also, I have some juice to spill here.

Today, I went to Guardian because my mom wanted to buy something. So she asked me to pay for the item at the cashier.

Then, being my stupid self, I was dancing while waiting for the cashier to go to counter. Honestly, I wasn't even sure what I was doing (and there was no music at all!) because I usually do that all the time - especially when I think I'm alone!

Several seconds later, my mom shouted from somewhere, "Ain, the guy behind you is fixing your tudung bcs there's a fly on it! Lain kali pakai la tudung lain!!!" I was just like... crap... don't look back don't look back.

So I paid the money and turned around to see the cutest guy I've seen for the past few years. He definitely fit the definition of Tall, Dark and Handsome. He was wearing an all-black ensemble with a thick-framed glasses with a black cap. But honestly, he was real cute!

He had the chance to say, "Hey, there's a fly on your head!" So I quickly ran off to the other side of Guardian and squat down there pretending that I left. Boy, was I embarassed.

Today, I learnt two things:

a) If you go out, even to some grocery store or pasar tani, wear appropriately!!! You'll never know when you'll meet cute guys.

b) "If he is willing to put up with your weird dancing and tries his best to clean you up, then he's a keeper." -Mama 2k17.

If only I wore appropriately, I could've at least become more confident to ASK!! FOR!! HIS!! NUMBER!! Now I'll never get to meet that guy ever again. :'(

Dear loyal friends, please tell me how do you get a guy to give you their number? I've read tons of novels and fanfictions but obviously the real life, those things don't happen. So please help this child out in doing all these things because I will definitely be needing these skillz in the UK.

Okay, ciao for now!

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