Cough Syrup for Lovesick Patients

3:31 AM

No one likes a cough syrup, it tastes awful, bitter, but deep in your heart you know it gets the job done.

A few months ago I wrote here that I accidentally drank a love potion. As someone who is emotionally aware, I took active measures to get out of this. Either by spending time with the person who unintentionally poured that potion, or by channeling this newfound energy elsewhere; by joining more swims, started night runs, joined more run clubs. 

And the most foolproof way to recover from being lovesick - to pray istikharah to God. To run to Him, begging on your knees, "if he is the one for me, please, please, show it to me. If he is not, please show it to me too so that I can move on."

Trust me when I tell you, I have done this many times, everytime I start feeling lovesick, and time and time again, Allah would show me the answer. He really said, 

"Here you go Aynn, here's your cough syrup."

And once again, I sip the bitter cough syrup, and when I tell you, it is awful.

It is frustrating, angering, because emotions that were once fuelled by oxytocin has just turned into fire. And when the fire burns your soul, you might think that your heart has turned into ashes.

But the beautiful thing about God's cough syrup is that it really works. Yes, it may take some time for you to heal, but with His remedies, you can never go wrong. 

So trust the process, swallow that cough syrup, and always, always come back to Him.

Side note, He has once again welcomed me to His home this year, the best medicine yet. He knows I needed to cry to Him. 

And while I wait to meet Him, He has granted me your presence. Genuine companionship that I will never take for granted. So do send me your specific prayers, I'll talk to Him and tell Him how wonderful of a companion you have been, and that you deserve every happiness coming your way. 

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