It bites my moves

8:08 AM

In case you are wondering, why am I selling revision books, including Form 3 ones?

Well, I just bought a massive collection of workbooks last Saturday and I decided I need to get rid of old ones. So, I took some books and attempted to sell it online. 
The real reason why I am selling these books is that I need money, to go to Paramore concert.

Why should I go?
I'd probably get enough money to go to the front seat where I can see Hayley, Taylor and Jeremy's beautiful faces. (Last time I went I can barely see anything)

Why should I not go?
 If I still don't get the money. It's okay because I went to their concert once on the 19th October 2010. Those were the times when The Farro Brothers are still there. Now that they're gone and the new songs are not really something that I like (I'm really sorry). In fact, it's PMR year and I'm supposed to study and all.

The other reason why I sold the workbooks is because I wanna try something new. Business. Which, I am disappointed to say that I'm not making any progress. So if you have friends who would like to buy, please do tell them to have a visit to my rather insipid blog.

My life has absolutely been very occupied lately. Ever since I am confirmed to be in Swimming MSSS, I am working my butt off to increase my speed and learn how to dive competition-style. On Saturday, I did a 7km hike and 14 laps of speed swim training in the morning and in the evening, I did a relax 56 laps of swimming which added up to be 70 laps. I did nothing the next day. Today, I swum 20 laps + 5km jog at KGNS and Taman Tun respectively and 60 laps in the evening. I am truly ecstatic to discover my capability to swim, but alas, my speed is still slow. Anyone volunteer to teach me how to dive and flip turn? I would love that.

I'd thought I'd study Kumon but I only managed to study Part One due to my packed schedule. 

And then I realized blogging makes me a procrastinator. I guess I have to go. 

Be prepared for more books to be sold online. This time, it would be fictional ones.

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