Form 4 2014 Class List

9:32 PM

(THIS IS NOT THE PERMANENT PLACING. IF YOU WISH TO CHANGE, PLEASE CONSULT PUAN PUTERI AT THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AFTER ASSEMBLY) (I saw her status on FB) (some people are surprised because they don't get what stream they want) (I don't know why I'm writing using brackets) (okay)

Well, this is expected. I kind of knew I would be in 4SA. I'm pretty sure they used our trial marks. But I want to go for Sub Science. Or Arts. So I'm confused. Science is not my strength and is not something I could tackle easily so I could try and go for Sub and go for tasawur islam. But instead, I chose Pure and Accounts as extra. I like Biology, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I want to be a doctor. Trust me, my uncle is a doctor and his wife as well. They barely have time to sleep and they have to go on calls all the time. I used to want to be a doctor when I grow up but when I hear all these experience from my uncle I had second thoughts.

Anyway, I bet all of you want me to post this so that you guys could check who your classmates are and snag a partner at class, right? You're welcome, by the way. I am not enthusiastic about my classmates anymore. Sometimes I just don't care. Besides, I'm in the I'm-not-in-the-mood-don't-disturb-me phase. I don't mind being a loner. When I was a loner at 2 Meranti, I could focus more and I got no 1 in the whole form that year Alhamdulillah. 

Anyway, I hope for the best for all of you. May you get what stream you wanted and don't panic as teachers WILL reshuffle if you aren't happy with your class. Bye.

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