Living Life, I guess? (Alhamdulillah)

3:32 AM

Hey everyone! I feel like I haven’t written on this blog for a long time.

So here’s what’s been happening for the past few months.

a) I’ve started becoming a blogger for my university! Which is super cool because I love sharing my experiences to people. I am also the Ambassador for the university, where I am in charge of giving out campus tours to prospective students. But writing has always been my passion and I love creating contents, to one point where they told me to limit my content 😂

b) Concerts! I went to two concerts and I will be going for another one next week. I’m super excited and nothing beats real life music experience.

c) Balkan trip! I went to the Balkans with my mom. If you must know, I come from a super military-trained family meaning that we must plan everything months ahead of time. I was in charge of planning this trip so days leading up to it I was really scared that it would go awry. But it ended up being the best vacation I’ve been to. It’s also an eye-opening experience as I realised how blessed I am to be living in places where its peaceful and people can live with each other regardless of their races and religion.

d) Self-development! I really prioritised a lot on self-love, care and development this time around. I’ve been attending women empowering programmes. Have met people who are looking to improve themselves as well. I’ve heard of their personal struggles; how they need help getting out of toxic relationships, how to be more assertive to people who use them, how to be more confident. And what’s more interesting is that we all know the answer to our problems, we just need people around us to motivate us to be better people. And in the end, it all comes down to us. Whether we want to achieve our goals, it is all up to us. If you are like me, who likes to blame others for my problems, well don’t. I do realise that I do that quite a lot. Even if it is true, let go of those who hurt you and move on. Stay with those who can help you.

e) More dancing! I found my dance family in the EQHO hip hop group. Not that I don’t like being in my old dance group, I just felt super inferior and I always notice people who will judge me. But that’s not the case in this new dance group. I feel empowered every single time I go for a class and how friendly people are in this group. I’m so so happy I’ve found my tribe

f) More triathlon stuff! I am now the Secretary of the Triathlon Club! I’ve also done my first sprint triathlon (surviving it without leaving any major injuries!!) and I’m quite happy that I even finished the race. I need to improve on my cycling though.

And although there are a lot of highlights in my life, there are also conflicting things that I have to face i.e.

g) peer pressure. I have no clue as to what my summer plans are. As mentioned before, I am taught to plan months ahead, but now it’s so uncertain. I keep applying for jobs and I keep getting rejected. Whereas I have friends who attend career fairs just to accompany their boyfriends, randomly sending out CVs and getting the job offers. But I believe that it’s a humbling experience for me and that my life is my life, and as long as I believe in Allah’s plans, albeit ambiguous for me to tell, it will be okay.

h) academics. I don’t really post stuff about my academics, mainly cause there’s not much to say about it except that my performance is still stagnant, my summer exams are coming up. And I have to  run a campus tour in a few hours and fix my bike right about now. Gosh, I’m rambling. Anyways, its not suprising that I’m worried about my academic performance but I feel like I’m so used to having stagnant results that now all I have to do is stop complaining and get to it. It kinda relates to peer pressure because everywhere I go I would see people posting their Dean’s list awards and first class results. I am jubilant for them but it makes me feel like I’m alone. And when I talk about it to them, it’s not like they can relate anyways, and they’ll make that face which I’m so so annoyed to look at but I don’t think they do it on purpose. I guess it’s their “I don’t know how to react so I’m just going to try and make a pitiful face but failing miserably at it” face. So, I’m all alone in this journey, but I can seek help from those who are actually performing well. I hope I get to bombard my lecturers with questions, cause I didn’t do that when I was in first year (anxiety/ fear of failure issues huhu). But after numerous episodes of living below my expectations, I’ve learnt to just go with the flow and work hard as I go along. And as a Muslim as well, which I am so so blessed for, I always believe that Allah has good things in store for me. So we’ll see.

I guess that’s all. This month, I am looking forward to the next concert and my first ever dance class with a professional choreographer from the US! And trying to balance my work with my studies, 80% of my time should be tentatively on my studies, I just need to eradicate this devil that is procrastination.

Alright, bye guys!

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