
8:34 AM

I was meant to go to two dance classes from Galen Hooks in March, then the pandemic happened and the dance class was postponed.

I finally attended it this month, albeit virtually. I learnt the choreo to 'i love you', which doesn't have a lot of dancing, and it is more acting-based, which is why I love Galen so much, because she teaches more than dance. The dance carries a lot of emotional baggage, but it was a good way to channel my acting skills, as I haven't acted since, 2 years I believe? 

Then, I danced to A'Pale by Rosalia. This was more upbeat and energetic. At one time she said, "wow, I haven't danced for so long, it feels so good to be moving again." 

And I couldn't agree more. 

I really do miss dancing, and I don't mean tiktok dances you can learn within minutes. But actual dancing. I miss days when the Westwood Dance Studio is empty and I can just turn on the music and pour my heart and soul out, without caring how stupid I look. 

More importantly, I miss hyping people up in dance classes, and receiving the same hype when I perform.

Unfortunately, I think it's going to be a while until I go back to dance classes. Even though everything is returning back to normal, the paranoia still surrounds me, especially since I've just returned to the UK. More importantly, I don't think it is economically feasible for me to attend these classes anymore. We are in a pandemic, even securing a job is a blessing. I will now have to learn to be financially independent, hence it's probably best to cut out a huge chunk of my lifestyle and do what I can to sustain myself amidst this recession.

I don't know if I've ever talked about imposter syndrome here, but I guess I'll talk about it a bit. An opportunity came up to me recently, and I just felt so undeserving of it. Insecurities clouded my confidence, and I keep going back and forth on it. But honestly, I am so glad that God has surrounded me with friends who harness my potential and empower me to do the things I love, because without them, I wouldn't be able to go far. So thank you friends. I can't wait to show you what I am working on!

A friend told me, "You have changed a lot this year". Which made me ponder; maybe I did. And maybe it's because I truly surround myself with people who care, support and empower me, and completely distance myself from those who don't. I took the time to filter my social media following and followers list, and I don't hesitate to use the mute/unfollow button if I see things that defeat my values or make me feel ill-hearted towards the person. I respect people who distance themselves from me. And I feel, in a way, that really does make 2020 a fairly good year for me so far. 

And I hope you guys are patient as we wait for the outcome of the very messy situation I have been posting for the past few days. While we wait, let's educate ourselves more on things that truly matter. I've been reading articles and trying to be as strategic as possible in this. If you'd like, I will attach a link to what I'm reading on my bio.

But thank you so much for everyone who has reached out to me showing their support and for sharing their story in this. It means a lot to me more than you know, and it inspires me to further continue this journey.

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