Getting over a Trauma: Prague

1:25 AM

It was over a year ago when Prague happened. Sometimes I look back and ask myself, was it my fault? But what I realised was that the reason why my PTSD keeps lingering in my head was because I blamed myself for the incident.

The beautiful thing about post-Prague is that I realised that things like this happen, and when the robbery happened this year, it didn't impact me as much as Prague, because I felt like, these traumatic incidents happen, and there's nothing you can do about it, except to let it go. 

Moving on from PTSD wasn't easy, but I thank myself because, post-Prague, I joined boxing and I talked to God even more. And as time passes by, those glimpses of Prague has slowly dissipated away from my mind, and I was able to be a new person, thanks to the fact that I wanted to change. I knew I can't be like this forever. And so I thank myself.

I learnt to love Islam a bit more, because of my hijab and my identity I become invincible, I've been through Prague, and I am now untouchable. The hijab is my shield and I know there will be more challenges I have to face, but now I know, I have positive mechanisms that can allow me to overcome PTSD.

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