Term 1 reflections

8:14 AM

Aha! I'm back with another post, if you're a frequent reader, you may notice that I've been writing loads, and that's because my whole life is devoted to writing, and analysing my life.

I can honestly say that term one in my second year has absolutely been the best one yet! I think its because I've got my mental fix in summer and the internship in the Central Bank made me realise the value of education and how I should value my time better as a student in the UK.

My previous post explored on my test results and I can't dwell on it, so I've started revising and trying to understand the module better, because there are no more tests on this module, just the summer exam, so I've got to make sure I understand every bits and bobs of the module. I'm still waiting for my other module's test results and whatever it is, I know that I have to work better for it next time and will have to double or quadruple my effort for the next test because I had no idea what I did for the previous one *nervous laugh*

I could've sworn I studied for my modules, but let's face it, I don't understand the module. When you study abroad, you are faced with lecturers with different accents and I find it quite hard to understand them. There are also some lecturers who do not have lecture recordings hence if I miss a lecture, I miss learning about the entire module. In term 2, I will make sure that I focus more on my studies, and get off my phone.

This term is also the term where I truly spent my time doing the things I love, i.e. musical theatre, dance, road cycling and hiking. I finally got into a musical theatre show, after auditioning and getting rejected plenty of times. I've danced in three performances for my showcase, I tried road cycling for the first time ever and also scrambled to many peaks of the Lake District mountains. I thought this was the reason I was not performing well for my studies, but that wasn't entirely the case, it was just that I didn't understand the modules at all. I know I can't just study all the time, but I'll have to cut down on some of the things I did in term one. I will focus more on my triathlon training session as I plan to do an aquathlon this term and will do some dancing, obviously. What I love about CMD is that it is not stressful at all because it's all about having fun.

The last time I met Julie I was in a very happy place and I think I slowly realise that I may no longer need to see her as frequently as I did before. She paved me the way for me to do a lot of self-care and allowed me to focus on my wellbeing and I really thank her for that. I wish more people know the importance of seeking help and how it can make you become a better individual and that some things you can't handle on your own. But I'm not worried, it's the 21st Century, and the mental health stigma will soon be over, and I hope that this generation gets help instead of making it their aesthetic. I know my main problem is anxiety, but I've slowly tried to calm myself down, and have started reading the book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. Hopefully it can help me slowly improve.

I've learnt and lost so much in Term One. But I look forward to Term Two! Here's to more challenges and successes and more importantly, more adventures!

"Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you."

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