back to square one

3:17 PM

I just need to vent, fuck, this laptop is freezing, it's -1 degrees here.

Here's decision making as an adult in a nutshell

If you make a quick decision, it's rash and you may regret it later,
If you make a well-thought out but last minute decision, you deprive yourself off the best opportunities.

God damn it guys, it is soooo frustrating! I am in literal tears as I type it. No wonder people don't like adulting. I finally once made my one big problem a priority, I kept holding it off thinking that it's going to solve on its own and that that would be the best decision. Then I realised, wait, that is NOT the best decision. What if I end up regretting it? So I find other alternatives, and yet, I am too late to make the right decision.

People tell me to solat istikharah, but is that really enough? Maybe my head says this one particular thing is the best decision, but maybe I just can't tell which one is my instinct and which one is the one Allah tells me to do. In the end, I have no opinion on my own.

I hate it guys, I was gonna end this week on a pretty good note. No anxiety attack. Then this problem came and I'm back to square one. Back to square one,

Back to square one.

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