
5:48 AM

Confidence is when you face your fears, bit, by bit, by bit, by bit

Confidence is the ability to say no to things that defeats what you value

Confidence is the ability to tell yourself that you could do it, and it's better to try it out and fail rather to not try it at all

Confidence is being able to invite to the cute guy you like to your party

Confidence is putting an end to a longtime toxic relationship

Confidence is leaving the boy who resents you, who blames you for his misfortune

Confidence is being able to overcome your challenges one by one, and telling yourself, you can do it.

Confidence is defying your negative thoughts, and challenging them with positive ones

Confidence is finally signing up to the therapy session after suppressing your problems for a long time.

Confidence is telling yourself time and time again that everything will fall into place, and it will.

Confidence is being you.

(Events written here are not entirely from my experience)

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