
11:49 AM

If you ever want to feel depressed, just search for the genocide of Muslim Uighurs or the protests in Hong Kong. It will really make you sad and in a way, see how blessed we are. We may have internal struggles. But at least we don't get out of campus seeing police setting it on fire. We may be sad because our friend betrayed us, but we don't get revoked of our freedom to practice our belief.

I had my first assignment for third year. It's due next Monday. Knowing fully well that this is final year, I decided to start slightly earlier. It is also useful when I have a course mate who tells me about her struggles on her assignment, prompting me to start on mine as well.

5 days of being cooped up in the room. It's not a very Aynn thing to do. But I did it. And I hope it's fruitful. So far, it looks like it is, as I have finished my assignment, days before the deadline.

But being the perfectionist that I am, of course, I was proofreading my assignment for the millionth time. I literally resubmitted my assignment for the tenth time today. But I called my mom telling me about my progress, and then I kinda felt, hey I did my best. I completed the assignment, designed a regression model. The main purpose of me getting a head start is so that I get to study for my test for another module earlier anyways. Because my test will be in 11 days, and I haven't really revised for the module. So I should calm down, and just finalise my assignment. It's only 10% anyway.

For now, I will sort out my life. Run my errands and tomorrow, I will start studying for my test! 9 days should be enough right? I have 5 topics to study, and to revise 1 topic which I've already made notes for. Sooo, 1.5-2 days for a topic should be okay, right?

Well, while I was chilling in my room, my friend posted about Warwick University calling their exchange students who are in Hong Kong back to the UK, which prompted me to understand the cause of the protests and what has been happening there. I'm just really grateful for being in a safe area.

Today, Allah gave me 3 signs that He knows what's best for me:

a) I was meant to go for a short weekend trip in Week 6 with my friend. But she didn't want to go to the place so we cancelled it. If I had been on that trip, I wouldn't have had the time to complete my assignments.

b) My paranoia in rechecking my assignments every minute has led me to being late to my Wellbeing class. Yes, I actually take a module on Wellbeing. My clownery has led me to wear sports attire because I ran out of laundry (because I was in my room doing work I didn't do any of my house chores and have eaten takeaways since). I also wore sports attire thinking that today we will be doing some sports. Turns out that we will be doing it next week and today we are doing meditation instead, understanding how mindfulness can be an intervention to wellbeing. It was really therapeutic as we had the mindfulness session. Although, of course, at that time I was still overthinking about my assignment. But at least I got to calm it down. Then, I called my mom since I haven't really been talking to anyone for the past 5 to 6 days. Only realised that I'm sick because my voice sounds funny. This is what being in isolation feels like. Would not recommend. We updated each other about our lives and she remembered particularly when we went to our favourite Mamak store, and how I found the saleskeeper to be very cute and she knows this. When he came to ask my order, I said, "um.... air biasa." What?? Air biasa?? Hahahah. Then my mom ordered maggi, satay, roti canai and some drinks. After that, she called the guy and asked for another one, she said to him, "tengok ni, semua dia(me) makan." It was soooo embarrassing. Then she said, "now I know how you act in front of people you like." Ugh I hate it. Being confident is literally my forte and I can't even talk to cute guys?! But that lighthearted conversation made me feel a lot better mentally, and I decided to stop proofreading and (hopefully) sent in my assignment for the last time.

c) I was listening to my friend complaining about the weather today. It has been raining the whole day and its a single digit temperature. I couldn't even feel my toes as I walked home. But as I was listening to her, I realised, well at least we are still able to study and try our best to go to class. True enough, the university cancelled the classes in the evening due to some "adverse weather" policy. I don't know why this is particularly important, I just happen to notice how well the week flows. Even though, it involved me being in my room all the time.

But what I learnt is that you can always learn from mistakes. I learned that if I want to do work, I should still have some time to do my chores and take care of my wellbeing. It's hard to do everything all at once, but it keeps you sane.

And I hope I keep learning from my mistakes in every step of the way.

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