
2:11 PM

It has been three years being in a university in the UK. And I must say, that I think I'm doing quite alright in terms of socialising with people. A few months ago, one of my close friends have invited me to her birthday party. I was reluctant to go because most parties serve alcohol (I'm sure this is the same for parties in Malaysia too, I won't know) but I have to go to this one, because, well, it is my close friend. She has been nothing but supportive for the past year I've met her.

I can tell you this, it was the best party I've been to in my life, ever. I did not need to drink alcohol, I did not need to defy my belief, to have the best time with my mates. Please note that just because I've said this, does not mean that I judge those who do. I am a person who stays true to my beliefs, so leave me at that. At one point, we were all dancing to "Come On Eileen" while doing that scottish dance where you and your friends swing your legs alternatively when each beat drops. We were mouthing words to Sean Paul's song to Naya Rivera, yes, that song, and I've never felt more angst being unleashed that day.

At one point, we decided to just sit down and have a DMC (deep meaningful conversation). One of her friends said, "this is the most diverse party I've been to in my whole life." It hits me and see the people around me. It is true. There's my friend, a British African, me; a hijabi, an Asian girl, a White boy, a Russian Latina girl (who apparently convinced me to join Belly Dance next year), an Indian and so many other ethnicities and religion.

I think this was the beauty of studying abroad. Especially in Warwick. Everyone just seems to be from another country and there's always a possibility to socialise and chill with each other.

Diversity is possible. 

Anyways, I kinda miss going to parties and I hope I get to go to more parties like this, where I don't feel left out just because I don't drink and others do.

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