You don't deserve a point of view, if the only thing you see is you

9:02 AM

Hari Raya Aidilfitri was yesterday. Though at first I felt like it was the worst Raya, but it was fun, helping my family once in a while. At least, I wasn't tortured to do work, like those people I've seen in the movies. Alhamdulillah, Allah made me that way. Thank you, Allah. Let's see I started my day off yesterday with watching The Glee Project. It was an encore of last week's 'Pair-ability'. I love Marissa, she is so, down to earth and Cameron looks so hot without those geek glasses. Mom said he looks so gay. :( Anyways, it was so boring because usually my uncle always lets us beraya at the houses downhill but he was like, laterlah. Later when? I didn't even get to raya there because he was waiting for my elder uncle from Kuantan to come to our village cause with him is so much interesting. Maybe Allah didn't let me to raya this year. Well, patience.

During night time, my granduncle's family came home. I was like totally happy cause finally I have company. We were like, reading these fart facts in my iPhone. There's like random questions we saw like, does fart makes you sexy? Would a fart help to propel you forward in space if you weren't wearing spacesuits?
There's even fart volume, speed and velocity. The answer to the second question is yes, so does Sheikh Muszaphar have to prevent himself from releasing his farts? LOL gross *trololol face* then we watched The Glee Project, it's 'Tenacity'. Well, we were disturbed by Mus'ab, the most annoying cousin you can ever ask for. *lol jk* I think he was given overdose chocolate milk + sugar and that's why he was spinning around like no other. He thinks it's so funny to others. I think in his head was like, 'now the party don't start till I annoy Ain'.
You remember the cookies I made? He purposely spit on them. Like, almost. Luckily I covered those cookies. Well, he's just a kid. I bet when he grows up, he won't believe a thing I wrote here. I was so sad Marissa left.I literally cried cause she's my idol, kind + not afraid to show her real self + talented + indisputable. Oh yeah, did I tell you about this uncle I have?

See that boy up there? The name is Hanif Ghafar. He has an elder brother.We called him Acem and their sisters are my friends, Maklong Helwa and Makngah Helya. What about this family? We literally grew up together like he was one year older than me. We go to family trips together and stuff, as we grow up Hasyim has became matured and my friend was like looking at my family photos and was like, "he's cute" and I don't know what happened, he was asking to be a couple with my friend. He's nice though, better than Hanif. Oh, you didn't know last year, I started hating disliking him ever since this experience,


Babak 1

So, Hanif ada tertarik dengan perempuan tak?
*buat malu* 
Cakaplah, apa ciri-ciri yang Hanif suka?
Oh, pakai tudung...
baik hati, lembut
taklah menyampah macam Ain ni, *looks at me like a total idiot*

Babak 2 (one week till UPSR *at kampung relaxing*)


Hey, jangan dengar lagulah. Nak peperiksaan dah.
Suka hati lah, hidup saya, bukan hidup awak. Nak rehat kejap je lepas penat mengulang kaji  pun tak boleh?
Tulah, menyampah betul dengan awak ini.

Deal with it. I am what I am and I am proud to be myself.

Well, as time changes, people change too. I was so not talking or even greeting him ever since. This year he came back, with his voice cracked, like his brother, still shy and not talking. Well, he's better this year, I think. Silence is golden, right? At least I've fun with his aunties.

This is me with my great grandmother's vintage kebaya. My granduncle said, this kebaya should be in the museum already.

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