
Bank Negara Kijang Scholarship Academy 2015

8:09 AM

I decided to write about the Bank Negara Kijang Scholarship award as today some of my friends back in TGB had their Mara American Degree Preparatory Program (MADPP) interview. Though I know it is too late for them, but it may help for those who would like to try out for the Kijang/Kijang Emas scholarship after SPM.

How did I come across this scholarship? I was pretty bummed that I didn't pass the Khazanah interview stage. I really wanted to get the Khazanah scholarship because I thought that was the only shot at studying in a fast track program (since MADPP doesn't offer Actuarial Science). My only shot was getting a scholarship after SPM. Then one day after meeting my mom after Accounts during the SPM week, I was hanging out ((gossiping)) with my best friend Asyrine. Then, my classmate Zai came over and asked me why am I not in Chem class. Also, there's a Bank Negara Scholarship which offers Actuarial Science. So I went to the counselling room and wrote on the application form. It is an Early Harvest program, like Yayasan Khazanah as we used our trial results (minimum 8As (A+ and A). Yes, I did go to my chem class.

A few days passed and I went to Belum as an escapade (a post yet to be written) (I'm still sad my camera has gone to Canon forever) (unless I have RM700) (no mood to write about vacays without pictures). I left my phone charger (idiot) at home so I had to survive 3 days without my phone. Then, I had this sudden epiphany that someone called me so thankfully I bought my phone cikai and received a few missed calls. I called it back and the person said "Bank Negara" and my eyes widened so I asked why did I get a call. She told me to check my email.

The academy was held on the 18th to 20th of December which also meant that I will have to sacrifice my holiday in Morocco. My heart was torn into two, so I prayed Istikharah and decided to send my documents to the BNM officer. My mom also said, "its okay to sacrifice your trip now, then having to sacrifice for later."

So there I was on the 18th at Lanai Kijang, a prestigious place for us to stay. Here are some of the pictures.

Then, I get to meet my roommate who is a Khazanah scholar. Her name's Balqis, she's the Head Girl of Sekolah Tun Fatimah. We get to talk a bit and at night the adventure begins!


We had to assemble at a place at Lanai Kijang. We had to write an essay on what field you want to study and why you deserve the scholarship. Since it's an Early Harvest program, we had to write it there. After SPM scholarship awards they would ask you to write it online. Then, we were given a short brief and a Q&A sesh by the officer. Apparently, my senior who is the Kijang Emas scholar, Imran Idzqandar was there to motivate and help us throughout the academy. Much respect to him.

This is probably the best pose I have ok.



We were divided into 7 groups. I was in the same group as Hajar, a schoolmate of mine (never separated from TGB vibes, ugh) (but Hajar is cool I'm so glad I'm in the same team as her). We get to talk and get to know ourselves before the assessors came to conduct the assessment.

We had four group assessments. First assessment is a get-to-know-your-groupmates. Basically they just want to see how you can click with your groupmates. Then, we had to present in groups on the field we want to study. I presented Actuarial Science with 2 other guys while the others presented on Economics. Then, they had some Q&A sessions.

The second and third group assessment were tough and strenuous. I'm so glad it's over. They would give you some amount of 'money' and we have to do calculations and stuff. I was a Project Manager in the third assessment. You don't really have to win or succeed in presenting. There's never a right or wrong answer. What matters is what you've learnt so make sure you give your feedback on how to improve on your group's presentation.

I think I'm explaining too much lol.

Lastly was building something. Just one thing. TGFH. (Thank God For Hajar).

The second night was very heart palpitating because they will announce who made it through. I was already half-ready to go back home. Then I heard, "Qurratulain"

Was so relieved. (Nama salah pun takpelah)

People who made it through the group assessment will go for the individual assessment on the next day.


They had the individual presentation and the interview. I was actually on the verge to present a common topic but then I thought, "cliché."

I presented something different so it definitely made the interviewers excited. After my presentation, they interviewed me. They asked the common questions like "Tell me about yourself. "Why Actuarial Science?" and all that. I gave answers economics-related to convince them. Then they asked if I have any questions for them. I just asked what's the common economic issue we're facing now.


The shocking part is that I didn't get the field that I wanted, which was Actuarial Science. But I think they evaluated me in the interview and the answers I gave them so they allowed me to study Economics when I further my studies. But I know, Allah always offers the best for me. If this is what Allah gave me for now, then I shall take it. I'm sure the best is yet to come as long as I do not lose my faith in Him.

Alhamdulillah for everything, Alhamdulillah.


During the group assessment, be the shining star but don't be the one who dictates the group, give others the opportunities to talk as well. They want to see you have the balance to be a good leader and also a follower.

During the individual assessment, just be yourself and be honest. Also, avoid being nervous. When you're nervous, that's when you are not yourself. (Yeah, I'm quoting what Imran said to me)

I was so glad I got this scholarship, it was worth the skipping of the Morocco trip.


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5 chit-chat(s)

  1. Wahh congrats!! Do you know any other scholarship that use the trial examination result as the requirement? I don't even know about this scholarship before ��

  2. Wahh congrats!! Do you know any other scholarship that use the trial examination result as the requirement? I don't even know about this scholarship before ��

  3. Apart from Bank Negara, Yayasan Khazanah, Maybank, MNRB, JAD-YPM, AND Yayasan Terengganu Tunas Saintis Islam use TRIAL examination result.
    But, for BANK Negara and Yayasan Khazanah, the school counselor aka Cikgu Kerjaya dan Kaunseling will play a main role in nominating your name for the next stage since both of them are closed application and you cannot simply apply online no matter what schools you are from.
    My advice is try to ask your school counselor and even if they don't know how to approach Bank Negara Human Capital Department, you can always make a formal inquiry to BNM via your school counselor as to provide a more formal approach.

  4. Keep in mind that those who got trial SPM scholarships were from schools that have very dedicated teachers who would like to nominate their students' name to Bank Negara,Khazanah etc every year.

  5. Nik Mohammad Khalid, thank you. From what I know, Yayasan Khazanah, BNM and Yayasan Peneraju are the only companies which offer scholarships using trial spm results. Mara also offered scholarships but they stopped for economic reasons, I presume. But as what Amer Azmi said, YK and BNM are closed applications so it only offers the scholarship to certain MRSM, SBP and SBT/Cluster schools. (oh and MNRB is an opened application this year). If you're in my batch (1998), I suggest you try out for Yayasan Peneraju and Maybank. But SPM results are coming out in a few more days and more scholarships will be up for grabs. All the best, mate. And thank you Amer Azmi for the info.


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