

4:56 AM

I am so horrified and terrified. Kumon completer's exam is coming real soon and I'm still stuck with Integration. Especially the ones which require graphs, variation tables. They also involve unicorn numbers (imaginary  numbers gettit?) like ln and e which gets confusing at times. But thank you Instructor for letting me spend my absolutely solitary weekend with the solution books and PDF files to help me understand, quite a bit. If any of you know how to construct a ln graph, please, I will accept your help with open arms. 

Not only am I having that, I am officially taking part in the most anticipated event next month, Swimming MSSS. My mom has ordered flabby me to start doing speed swimming and train harder than last year. 

Some people complain that I update this blog too frequent. I'm sorry to tell you but I just can't help it. If Maths course don't work out, free writing could be my second option. 

P.S Relax readers, thank you for the sweet compliments about my blog. I really appreciate them. I hope you find joy stalking me. Lol joke.

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7 chit-chat(s)

  1. How you can get the solution book?

  2. Hello, I'm from Guatemala. I have 2 children and I would like to put them in kumon but here is not ... how do I get the full chips thank you very much

  3. Can i know how was the completers test

  4. Hi there. Do you still have the O solution books and are you willing to sell them and ship to Toronto? Please email me at andrew_hent at hotmail.com

  5. Hi ,i come from malaysia and are u willing to sell the solution book i need it

  6. excuse this may seem annoying to you, but can I pls have link or some pics from the solution book pls?? email is angelacervantes0602@gmail.com

    1. do u have it now? please I need it :(


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