The Unwritten Expression

7:47 AM

So today I got my exam results. I got Maths. Remember I told you I do not want to talk about my previous exam? It sucks so bad especially Maths since I got totally low marks. Alhamdulillah, I've coped up and got 60/60 for my Paper 2. Amin for that. Sejarah. After all those hard work, tears and too many quizzes with classmates, I got 55/60. I had to tell you this. Lets name this person, V. Well,
She copied me.
She copied my Sejarah paper.

You may think I am the jump-into-conclusion type of girl, oh no. I saw V copied me. With her really-long-neck  , she peeked through my OMR paper and whenever I looked at her back, she pretended to look at her paper. The next day, Puan Faezah asked me if I'd copied 'V'. I was like no. Then V was asked the same thing and said no, duh like she'll admit. Turns out that today she has the same marks as I do. I checked her objective paper, I saw no. 15 and one question, she erased the wrong answer and shaded the same answer as mine. If you think I am perasan, ask the teacher who reported to Puan Faezah. Well, too bad I didn't know her name. I literally cried as I saw those so-many-post-it-notes stuck on my Sejarah textbook thinking, I worked so hard, then someone just copied me like, 'shazam!'. O Allah, show the truth on what really happened during that period to me, teacher and 'the person' because You are the only God who sees everything. Amin.

Oh wait, I haven't told you my Agama Islam results yet, I got 87/100. Not including formative marks. Insya-Allah if I get full formative, I'll get 90. Ustazah was quite upset. She said I could've had done it brilliantly. My previous exam results' are way better than this current one. Oh, sorry for dissapointing you. Very sorry. I did study like crazy. I mean, smartly. Well like old people say, 'sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian idak berguna'

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