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9:22 AM

 "When a pony does a good deed, he gets a horn and becomes a unicorn. A unicorn is somebody who knows their magical and isn't afraid to show it."
 Hello friend, just ate a double cheeseburger and I'm getting plummer nowadays. I've watched Glee episode 4 and Damian was there. HOT! I dislike Santana, she has this, hatred to everyone except Brittany since she's dating her. (duh!) Damian's voice was deep and when he pitched his high voice, he sounds like Kurt. He is Kurt in straight version, sort of. Finn was getting all jealous to Blaine. Enjoy this video.

Back to my life (you can ignore this now),

I got B for KH which was devastating. I studied. When I was getting the results, it was BM. I was happy I got 37/40 for BM and I also beat his other class. So when I got the results, I was tearing up so I covered my eyes. Then I heard Encik A's voice.


Ain, awak sekarang dah dapat berapa A?
Entahlah, saya dah dapat B untuk KH
(Looks at my paper). Teruknya, awak study ke x?

Yeah, so helpful, teacher. I don't blame him. It's my fault I'm not getting my 4 flat for CGPA. I hope Seni I got A. Yeah, right.

Then Science I got 92.Alhamdulillah. I got my BM Penulisan which is 85 so if I get 24 for formative, I'll get 89. 38/40 for English. Funny,  I might get all high marks, except KH and Seni, which I got B. But others seem to get all As without having high marks. That's the thing I've learnt. You should never focus on that one particular subject. You should study all subjects and understand them. But how? Look at V. She might've copied me for Sejarah but she got all As. I am a failure. I just hope I get No.1. That's all I ask. Amin.

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