PMR appreciation post

8:25 AM


(in the midst of having a writer's block)
(feeling all "my thoughts are stars I couldn't fathom into constellations.")

12 months ago, it was a new year for me. A busy life ahead of me. So many resolutions, so little time. This was also the year which I participated in many activities. Believe me, I don't think i've ever been busy. Putting that aside, this was also the year where I had a major exam, PMR (short for Penilaian Menengah Rendah) It's an exam for the lower secondary. You know, when I wasn't blogging here for a few months? It was because I studied like a mad cow for the exam. I completely shut down my social life. Joke, I couldn't stay away from Twitter but anyway after all that mind-mapping and note referring and constant praying, I finally got it.

8 Straight A's.

All I could say is Alhamdulillah.

Thank you, Allah SWT, I know I may not be the best muslimah and I always delay my prayers but I am so so so blessed that you answered my prayers. I will try to be successful for the muslim society, Allah. Help me, ya Allah.

And thank yous some people I'd like to mention.

First, my mom.

The one who would constantly go to work at 6 am and go back home at 9pm just to pay for my essentials, tuition lessons, Kumon lessons, sport attires, GU chomps and so much more. The one who would always listen to my plagiarized jokes like, "funny how I was the fastest sperm and now I barely move out of my bed." My best friend, whom I could tell everything to without being weird about it, the one who would always listen to my problems at school, friends and what not. The one who sees the real me. What I'm capable of. The one who showed me that I could be and do anything. I cannot imagine the day I lose you, Mom. Not ever. I hope so much that I have made you happy. When you're happy, I will be happy, so much happier. And I will continue making you proud every step of the day, Mama. That is a promise.

My grandpa.

Everytime I see his face, he'll ask me "dah solat ke belum?" Even when he's overseas he'd call me and ask me if I have prayed or not. I don't even need an iPhone reminder when I have such an amazing and caring granddad. The one who'd restock my school fares and sending me to tuition whenever mom wasn't available. The one who'd always reward me. Spoil me. But always gives me the best advice.

My grandma.

She's the one who would always send me back home after a late prefect meeting or whenever I need to stayback. She'd cook for me, for the whole family and is still as loud as she will ever be.

My granduncles and grandaunties, especially Tok Tam who would send me to BM tuition on Thursdays. Thank you. And to Wo Tam, TokNdak and Wondak for their word of advice.

My uncles and aunties.

For always sending me to tuition till I get some awfully good knowledge for my exams. For always making fun of me to release my pre-PMR stress. For always praying for me. Thank you, Pakngah, Makngah Dali, Acus and Maksu. Great to have you all under one roof :)

Maklong Siti, Paklong Mus, Makngah Helya, Maklong Helwa, Makngah Nazihah, Pakngah Fahmi, Pakcu Sam and all my relatives, thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful prayers.

My cousins Mia and Hazim, never fails to cheer my day. Mia, for always providing me with her stationery. When she heard that I got 8As, she was the one who jumped for joy. She was happy. Such innocence. Hazim, only 9 months old, but who would not fall for his charming looks? His adorable small talks would make anyone whose angry and stressed wash their feelings away.

My teachers.

Starting with Puan Zawiah, my Malay Language teacher.

Guru ibarat lilin. Senantiasa membakar diri sendiri untuk pelajar-pelajarnya. Cikgu, saya tahu cikgu tak akan baca mesej saya ini, tapi saya nak beritahu kepada cikgu bahawa Cikgu merupakan guru BM yang sangat berdedikasi. Saya memang suka akan subjek ini, terutamanya bahagian pemahaman. Tetapi Cikgulah yang membuat saya lebih mencintai subjek yang merupakan bangsa tanahair kita yang tercinta ini. Setiap kali, loceng berbunyi menandakan kelas Bahasa Melayu akan bermula, saya sentiasa akan senyum kerana Cikgu akan datang memeriahkan kelas kami dengan penggunaan tatabahasa yang baru atau teknik karangan yang baru atau lebih daripada itu. Saya akan tersenyum sendiri, saya pun tidak tahu kenapa. Mungkin kerana aura Bahasa Melayu di sekeliling atau udara segar yang menyusup ke tulang sum-sum kerana mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu selalunya diadakan pada waktu pagi. Saya gembira. Kadangkala, saya akan tidur semasa Cikgu mengajar. Saya tidak menafikan itu, Cikgu. Memang saya sudah diklasifikasikan sebagai "Sleeping Beauty" di kelas saya. Tidak tahulah sebab-sebab saya mengantuk. Namun, hendakkah Cikgu tahu rahsia saya? Saya sebenarnya boleh mendengar sayup-sayup suara guru-guru semasa saya tidur. Sekiranya cikgu melihat ini, tentunya Cikgu akan gelak. Tetapi agak benar. Cikgu tidak pernah berputus asa untuk mengajar kami. Saya masih ingat lagi ketika Afaf dan saya menunggu di bilik guru untuk bertanya soalan kepada Cikgu. Saya masih ingat apabila saya memberi karangan saya kepada Cikgu. Nasihat cikgu apabila Cikgu kata karangan saya tidak seimbang. Teknik diKeMaSeN yang diajar oleh Cikgu. Oleh sebab kegigihan Cikgu mengajar saya, saya telah buat yang terbaik. Saya yakin saya telah buat yang terbaik dan keputusan A itu merupakan buktinya. Cikgu, kalau boleh saya hendak mohon ambil balik karangan PMR Bahasa Melayu saya dan tunjuk kepada Cikgu. Saya yakin bahawa Cikgu akan gembira dengan karangan saya. Tahu tak cikgu, saya mulakan karangan saya dengan lagu Sudirman. Gempak atau tidak? Alhamdulillah, semua idea ini dijana oleh sebab ajaran Cikgu. Konklusinya, saya sangat berterima kasih kepada Cikgu. Tanpa Cikgu, tidak mungkin saya boleh dapat markah BM daripada B semasa ujian bulan Mac hinggalah markah 90 peratus untuk percubaan PMR. Terima kasih, daun keladi, kalau boleh, ajarlah lagi.

Puan Rachel, my lovely lovely English teacher.

Every time English lesson starts, we would hurry up and get our exercise books and go to Bilik Akses or Bilik Media to watch your presentation. I learnt all these new words thank to you! I don't know what would I do if I don't have you as my English teacher! You are so hilarious without ever trying and so loud. By loud, I mean very outspoken and superbly amazing. It's rare to come across teachers who are so thoughtful. I remembered once I was having fever during my English Mid year test and I accidentally wrote Kemahiran Hidup in the OMR paper. I was telling you about it and you were so concerned. I am so blessed to have you as my teacher. What could be more tremendous to know that you're the one giving out our PMR slips just now? You gave all of us humour and joy and I am so thankful for that.

Puan Ili, my math and class teacher.
Although you weren't here half of the year, you were such a caring teacher. You would always make us understand Math and you would be one of the only teacher, aside from Puan Nur Aini who would understand my Math methods. I have always loved Math, still do and it's because of you and Puan Nur Aini. Puan Nur Aini, at the last minute, you solved the missing piece of my jigsaw puzzle of Circles. Don't get that? See, I could understand everything about Maths except circles. One of the reasons is because Kumon didn't teach Circles but when we were having our mantap minda, after dozens and dozens of math questions, I asked you about a Circles question and you explained something than it clicked. I had my Eureka moment. From that day onwards, I could understand Circles. I was also so happy that I got 40/40 for PMR Maths, checked online. Alhamdulillah. I will continue to excel in Math and help my friends while I can, InsyaAllah.

My science teacher, Puan Hafizah. I secretly love all your experiments that you allowed us to conduct. It made me understand those questions they always ask in Paper 2. Thank you so much.

My Living Skills teacher, Encik Yusof. Walaupun cikgu selalu kata "terima kasih kerana tidak memahami" apabila kita tidak faham akan ajaran cikgu, terutamanya Akaun, namun cikgu tetap mengajar dengan penuh dedikasi. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Cikgu.

My Agama teacher, Ustazah Nor Aini. Terima kasih kerana memberi kepercayaan yang penuh terhadap saya dan tekun mengajar kami mengenai agama Islam yang penuh dengan kesucian.

Kepada Ustazah Rohana, ustazah, terima kasih banyak-banyak kerana sentiasa mempercayai dan meyakini bahawa saya boleh. Terima kasih kerana mengasah bakat saya untuk memberi syarahan di khalayak ramai. Hanya Allah SWT yang boleh membalas budi baik Ustazah. Terima kasih kerana sudi mendengar masalah saya dan sentiasa mendoakan saya dan rakan seperjuangan saya. Terima kasih kerana memberi peluang keemasan untuk saya memberi tazkirah sejurus mendapat pahala pada bulan Ramadhan dua tahun berturut-turut. Sekiranya saya pergi meninggalkan sekolah kesayangan saya ini, pastinya saya akan rindu akan Ustazah dan guru-guru di sekolah SMK(P) Sri Aman.

Puan Amarjeet, thank you for diligently teaching us! Whenever I study History, you talking about the facts I'm reading about will be envisioned. You are unforgettable and you gave me a golden opportunity which I am so grateful of. You are simply hilarious and fun. Thank you to Puan Mages as well for teaching us for 3 months and giving us the idea to go to a visit to Army Museum. I went there and I learnt so many things which I will try to remember, insyaAllah.

To Puan Gohilah, for teaching us Geography. You are an amazing teaher and you also put so much faith in me and  is always so caring and thoughtful. To Puan Puteri for temporarily teaching us Geo and English for Mantap Minda. But most importantly, as a choral speaking teacher. You put in so much effort in making our team successful. I don't deny the fact that I am sad that it ended this way but I will savour each and every moment of choral speaking whether its the practice or the real competition or the One Utama trip. To Puan Santira for the multiple amount of Geography work. Without your help, I don't think I could score a 59/60 for my PMR paper.

To my tuition teachers, Puan Masni, Puan Nallini and Cikgu Ikhwan. Languages and Science are my weaknesses, but I managed to do well thanks to you so thank you very much.

Also to Dato' Murtadza, the former mufti of Negeri Sembilan. Who goes to our house every month for a tazkirah and religious discussions. Thank you for praying for me.

Thank you teachers. 

To Uncle Tony, who drives me to school to and fro. Without fail, he would help me push the block on the street to enable me to get in. Thank you, Uncle! 

Lastly, to my friends. I couldn't have asked for better friends. I am so happy to meet true friends along the way. Without your existence in my life, I don't think I become the person I am today. My classmates who are real smart alecs, they could be anything. I could ask anyone in my class whenever I've doubts about academic issues or school related issues or personal issues. My prefect friends, I know we will sail through the journey together as the time flies. My friends who motivate me to keep me going, thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

A lengthy post but I just have to say it. Thank you, I love each and every one of you who have created a mark upon my world. Alhamdulillah I get to meet with you people so thank you again.

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