Almost the end

12:47 PM

Have you ever come to a certain point where,

You actually figure out why things that happened, happened?

Have you ever come to a point where you look at a reflection of yourself and say,

dang, I actually am beautiful. Like, you don't need anyone's validation anymore.

Have you ever looked at your flaws,

and think, for once, hey, lets embrace it.

Have you ever come to a point where you're done searching for answers about the questions you've had in the past,

rather, you move forward.

Because that's what we do.

We move forward. We go on our lives, always believing that the best will come.

It's the end of the year. I've had some turmoils, but in the end, I saw the light.

I hope you find the light. For you'll understand that God is giving you nothing but the best.

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