The Race I Actually Signed Up For

5:14 AM

Him and I, we agreed that if I go for the race, then he would too. Believe me when I say, I checked it out, only to find that it was sold out the day after.

God’s timing is just so uncanny, because suddenly I find myself spiraling over the race I didn’t ask to run.

“Why can they do work faster than me?”, “Am I genuinely slow?” “What’s wrong with me?” “Why can’t I churn things out in a whim?” “Why does it take too long for me to figure out the correct way to do things?”

But perhaps it will take me a while to realise that I will indeed have my own pace, while others will take faster. Some people are gifted, or some just work smarter. All I know is that I am at my own regular pace, and that is OK.

And maybe Allah halted me from that race with him, because He wants to make me see that, this, is the race I actually signed up for. This job I dreamed of, the one that landed on my lap when I ask Him for it 2 years ago. Work my butt off, make no mistakes, no distractions, a test from God, do you really believe in the fact that what’s meant for you will come to you, even if it’s miles apart?

And if you focus on what’s important, you might even get the PR you work hard for. The one only you need to know, that you will be so so proud of, when you reach the finish line.

And that, my love, is the race you actually signed up for.

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