Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2

12:27 AM

Getting ready for Harry Potter

Assalamualaikum and greetings,I've watched Harry Potter..the last movie yesterday.I was so excited.My mom was kinda upset cause I was gloomy on Sunday cause I can't watch Harry Potter so yeah,she booked two tickets.

So what was it all about?

Harry and his two friends are hunting Horcruxes,the 7 lives of You-Know-Who.So far they killed Tom Riddle's diary,the ring,the locket (the one we saw at Part 1 where Hermione and Harry..ew when Ron tried to kill it.),Rowena Ravenclaw's crown,Nagini the Snake and Harry.

Well,did they managed to find them? Go watch it.It made into my best Movie I've ever watched in my entire life.I cried when Snape almost died.

You all know the ending,right?Harry marry Ginny and Ron marries Hermione.Well,that's truly obvious cause I've read that part only.So after exam I'm gonna start reading from first to last Harry Potter books.

I will miss Harry Potter.


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