Penang Bridge International Marathon

3:41 AM

Hello! So I am back from Penang, yay! My two days one night trip went well. I love everything about Penang, except those racist receptionist at Eastin Hotel. I totally love their Nasi Kandar and Maggi Mi Goreng, oh God now I am hungry! 

1st Day
My mom and I went there by bus. It took us literally 5 hours to reach there. We watched Life As We Know It throughout the journey. Since I've watched it already, I slept throughout the ending. Then the night, we went to this NZ Restaurant. Ah, that's where I met food heaven. I was quite full after eating a huge bowl of salad during lunch. But after eating their nasi kandar, (Save me now!) I fell in love with it. 

2nd Day
 I could already hear the voices coming from below. All those cheering and supporting for the full and half marathoners. They had to start their run as early as 2 a.m. So I put on my sports clothes and lalala. I started the run at 6 a.m. It was so dark at first I couldn't see anything. They barely switch on the lights. I ran from Eastin Hotel to Queensbay Mall to some unknown highway and finally the Penang Bridge, the fourth longest bridge in the world. We 10kmers ran half of the bridge-now that's only 5 km we're running. Then, we had to U-TURN and go back to Queensbay Mall and complete the race. 
At the 8th kilometer my legs started to cramp and my feet hurts badly. I was like, 'Eff this! I'm walking'. By then I saw Eastin Hotel, I started running back again. There, I saw a disabled woman. She is actually in a wheelchair but during the run, she was walking using her walking stick. Very inspiring, a disabled person walking for 10km. That taught me something. There are no limits on what you can do. Just Do It! Aha! I'm copying Nike's motto. Hey, the first line I created it. Anyways, I finally reached the finishing line and later I began to hallucinate. I was like so unstable but thanks to a cup of Milo, I am myself again.

It all ended up pretty well. Though I was tired, I slept throughout my journey back to KL. Well, I'm going back to Penang again. No, I'm not attending any runs there, I had to go to my mom's company's Family Day.

So I found out my results yesterday

Alhamdulillah, I got to finish it before one and a half hour. Usually it took me 10 minutes to run 1 km. So if 10km it would be 1hour 40 minutes. Call me lame and all that, but it's my first attempt in 10km. Who doesn't get happy when their first attempts came to success? I can do better next time.

My medal!

Next run: Larian Selangor Agrofest 2011 (4th December 2011)

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