Chin Woo Biathlon 2011

10:02 PM

Aloha! So on Sunday, I went to a biathlon. Biathlon is a marathon which involves running and swimming.

Me before the biathlon. Oh look! My body marking.

This is before swimming. We got briefed before entering the pool. We have to swim 8 times to and fro which is 400 m to not get disqualified. 

And so it has begun. I swam normally. Since I was a newbie, all of my competitors swam. HARD. I was left out. My partner beside me who I recalled her name is Anjali swam so fast. When I reached the pool 4 times, she's already finished. Well, look at her body. It was easier for her and those people to swim since their very small and flat. I found out I was the 4th last to come out of the pool. Well, then I did my transition. Damn. my feet were wet but I just put on my socks and tie my shoelaces. Tying it took me a long time. Then I had to climb down the steep hill but really I just walked because one, it was too steep and I'm afraid my knees will hurt even before completing the run. Two, I am relentlessly tired. I was wheezing but then with the support of random people passing by me when I was walking, I kept running. I had to go to a loop twice. The first lap was very tiring since I just got out of the pool and stuff. Then the second lap was fine. I beat some of the people since I was left out during my swimming.

Ugh climbing up the hill was the worst. I was walking and walking up the hill. But then I heard mom screaming and supporting me so I had to run till the finishing line Dang, it was so tired. But hey, I managed to complete the biathlon around 38 minutes. 

That's me after the competition. I may not beat the other skinny biathletes but I made history, as what mom said. I am the first biathlete ever in my family. But no one in my family was proud of me, except my mom, duh. But no matter, I realized. Throughout my journey of running and swimming, I didn't do it for my family or friends, for attention, for more friends. I did it for myself. I did it for a healthier and maybe thinner body. I did it so when I grow up, I could tell my grandchildren that I made history. When I grow up, I could be a better biathlete, or even, be a triathlete. I am not ready yet. I don't know how to cycle. 

These are pictures I found from other websites. Click here for more

So later my mom and I went to Tropicana City Mall and watched Arthur Christmas and The Muppets. The only interesting part of the Muppets is the Toy Story short story. Arthur Christmas is something worth watching. I do not want to spoil anything but just watch Arthur Christmas. I think there were only 15 people who watched The Muppets with us.  

Mom gave me this as a reward for my first attempt of competing at a biathlon.

And this lovely The Hunger Games collection. Though I had to pay her RM40 since she only gave me RM62. I am reading the first book of the ultimate trilogy. I really love Peeta and Katniss being together. There's some chemistry among them. I read half the book. Can't wait to finish it and later finish the whole series. 

Au revoir!

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