
8:12 AM

My feelings are like motions of the wheels. It keeps whirling and whirling.

And it hurts. And it's confusing. And it sucks.

It really sucks to feel down. It really sucks when you want to feel as vibrant but then you still break.

Breakdowns are the worst. It comes unexpectedly. Almost everything can trigger you into a brink of a breakdown.

It sucks to the point where even when you are trying your best to calm down, you still can't. Because the demons still overpower you.

The worst part? The demon is yourself.

"Padan muka kau, ain. Dulu banyak complain. Sekarang lagi teruk kan?? You are useless."

"Tengok diaorg tu. Semua sedih tengok kau. Kau pathetic sangat. You are such a pathetic little shit."

"No wonder people leave you. You are worthless. You are nothing. You hear me? You. Are. Nothing."

No.. no.. no...




This can't be happening.

I'm falling.



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