Life Lessons: Part Two

11:40 AM

Hi! I am back with Part Two! Part one talks about individual life lessons. This part focuses more on your relationship with others. Enjoy! 

11. Appreciate those who are there for you throughout your highs and lows

I'll be the first to admit that I am not very good at friendships. But I've learnt about its importance when I started studying abroad and when I was at my lowest. They were there for me when I was down, and they were there for me at my happiest. These are the people I cherish for life, and this is when I knew, I've found friends for life.

Sometimes people think blessings come in the form of wealth or luxury, but the biggest blessing that God can give you is good company. You don't have to be the richest person, but with good people around you to keep you grounded, you can feel so content. 

12. People can't be there for you all the time, and that is okay, so you have to be there for yourself.

While it would be nice to have good company all the time, they can't always be there for you. You have to understand that everyone has their own problems, and sometimes, they need time for themselves too (more on this in point 14).

Thus, you have to be comfortable with your own company. Compliment yourself, hype yourself up, give positive affirmations to yourself. Because, who else will do that for you other than yourself?

13. The most beautiful thing to do is to empower one another.

It is life-changing joining my university's hip hop dance club. I remember feeling like I have two-left feet, but hearing fellow dancers hype me up when I dance kept me going. I'd like to think I improved a lot since I first started dancing. 

I remember inviting a colleague of mine to the Triathlon club and attending the brutal Thursday sessions together, making it seem less daunting. I remember her reminding me to always take credit for the things I have done to be where I am now. It's always amazing how friendships work, and from these experiences I learnt to always help one another. You never know how much your actions mean to the person.

14. Learn to respect boundaries.

This is a hard pill to swallow. I can't say much about my experience in respecting boundaries, as I am a work in progress. But I can tell you how much I appreciate it when someone respects my boundaries. 

As extroverted as I may seem, I also need some time for myself. How I cope with a mental breakdown is by taking some time off and just let everything out on my own. I would have to tell my friends that I need time for myself, and they respect it. Gosh, when I tell you how I appreciate them for it, because when I am ready to talk to them, they were there.

If you notice any of your friends shutting you out, know that it isn't you. Sometimes, it is just them setting a boundary and needing time for themselves, so please respect it. When they are ready to come back, be there for them and embrace them with open arms. 

15. If you have the power to change what's wrong, use it.

Don't you get so frustrated when you see things that are wrong in this society, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it? 

As youths, there is only so much you can do, especially in a system where people protect the corrupt. I know most of my friends here are in their 20s, so I urge you to educate yourselves more on how the system works. And as we move forward to the working life, we start having more power in the system. Hence, wherever possible, think to yourself, "what can I do to help make things right?"

Or if you know anyone who has the power, approach them and ask them to help you. I wish to see more people using their power to help create the world a better place. Wouldn't that be fulfilling? 

16. If they can't accept you for who you are, they are not worth it in the first place.

This is mainly an advice to my past self. I remember clinging on to people who don't even care about me because I felt the need to belong somewhere. 

If they truly care for you, they'd tell you what's wrong and make the effort to amend the relationship. But clearly, if they think you're too uncool to be in their circle of friends, then they're not worth being friends with. 

You'll naturally find friends who will accept you for who you are, or if not, will try to help you become the best version of yourself. Once you find your tribe, you will be unstoppable.

17. Learn to accept constructive criticism.

Growth is about understanding that you have certain traits that need fixing. Lower down your ego and understand that when people give you constructive criticism, they only want what's best for you.

18. What you see on social media is only the best part of someone else's life.

"Why can't I wear cool clothes like her?" "I wish I had a body like hers." "I wish I could have a soulmate like they found theirs"

Honestly, people always show the best side of themselves on social media. What you see is truly an embellished side of others. What you don't see is the times when the boy cheats on the girl, yet the girl stays on because of the fear of being lonely. You don't hear the fights that occur in their households. You don't see the silent tears of a successful person being torn down by their loved ones. I'm only giving hypothetical examples, but remember that life isn't always what it seems. 

19. It is a life-changer when you start doing sports.

I don't know about others but it is to me. If I could tell you how unhealthy my former lifestyle was. The turning point for my mom and I was when I almost developed an eating disorder because of the bullying I got in school. 

When I do sports, I always feel so happy afterwards. You can say all you want about me or my appearance, but you don't do half the things I'm doing. I'll let you talk when you actually do these things yourself. I become a lot more resilient, physically and mentally. So thank you mom, for introducing me to sports.

20. Be the bigger person by forgiving those who have hurt you.

As a highly sensitive person, I can never forget those who have hurt me. I could go days talking about the times I've been hurt and still feel angry about it. What I tend to realise is that, people have the ability to grow. 

They may have matured since the last time you saw them, so give them the chance to redeem themselves by forgiving them. Everyone deserves the chance to grow. You'll notice that the more you forgive others, the more you're able to let go and move on with your life.

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