4:18 AMDo you ever know what true love is like?
I have witnessed the ugly side of it growing up
'Love makes you crazy', they said.
The don't ask, don't tell moments,
The days when you see their genuine smile with a stranger
Times where they put their index finger on their mouth
And because you think that's love,
You become an ally
To something so wicked
Now I'm old enough I wonder,
Why do you let a child carry such a heavy burden?
Why do you make her pick sides?
But because you're the only glue,
Holding these cracked souls together,
You learn and adapt
Maybe that's why I am a firm non-believer of true love
When I feel something's coming in my heart,
I know it'll go bust,
They get tired of you,
Or you're too much for them,
They'll only use you when they need you,
When they're done using you,
They leave anyway.
But today,
with their red, swollen eyes on their screen
they face each other,
and murmured the three letter words
we've all been waiting for.
It takes a strong force to bind them
And as I heard those words,
I thought to myself,
"maybe soulmates do exist."
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