Inner Peace
7:28 AMI woke up around 6am to do my morning prayers. Imagine my shock when I saw this on my phone.
I forgot that I actually wrote an email to myself lmao. It's the end of October and I can safely say that work is piling up. But guess what, friends? I love it. Is there a steep learning curve? Yes. Do I know what I need to do? No.
But I love it, God I love being able to do something. Now I just need to find the motivation to do all these. When you start working, you look forward to the littlest things. I am excited for tomorrow's meeting. I love collaborating with my managers. I love learning how to drive on the road during lunch hour to make my grandmother happy. I love seeing her face when she defeats me in a game of checkers. I love seeing the maids happy with the food I bought for them. I really do, love life. It falls short at times. But I'm counting my blessings every day. And I can only hope that things get better from here.
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