
6:02 AM

It is announced that the lockdown will be extended for a month, and this time, it includes almost all states in Malaysia except Perlis, Kelantan and Pahang. 

I haven't experienced lockdown in Malaysia yet, the first lockdown I was in the UK, with the best housemates I've ever had. Only they have seen my depressive state of mind. I can be a lot, to be honest.

Before making this blog public, I had to draft a lot of my publish posts, but I guess I'll open up about my vulnerability bit by bit. It's therapeutic to express myself.

I also deactivated my Instagram after sensing that my insecurity and self-hatred was heightening. The Blackpink algorithm got to me, I feel. Seeing their perfect figures everyday is deteriorating my mental health. I love them, but it is a red flag when I compared my figure with theirs. So I decided to give myself a break. I'll come back when I can breath again, and when social media doesn't take so much of my time, that it takes a toll on my mental health.

I also did a thing I never thought I'd do. But with some help, I did it. I'm just so proud of myself. It was taking up so much of my mental space, so I did it, because I love myself that I don't like to see myself hurt. I am not worthy of that. Instead, I am worthy of all good things in life. It's the baby steps that count. 

Today, I learnt more about social media addiction. My friend posted a paper she read on her Story so I asked for the link to read it. Here it is, for your reading pleasure. They identified 6 phases of addiction; 

1. Salience - the activity 
2. Mood modification - the "high" you get from doing it
3. Tolerance - Increase in activity to achieve higher serotonin boost (I mentioned this in my post on Addiction)
4. Withdrawal - the distress you get when you don't get to do said activity
5. Conflict - girl, just don't do it, it's not worth it.
6. Relapse - I did it.

Social media platforms are not making these issues better as they have reward schemes such as Facebook likes, IG likes and snapstreaks. I tried having Snapchat one time, but I just couldn't keep up with the streaks, especially since I started taking care of my grandma. So I deleted Snapchat hahah. These platforms also have infinite scrolls, no wonder it's so hard to leave! 

I don't know about everyone else, but I use Instagram for my sense of escapism. I refuse to talk about what's going on in my life (though, I think I've talked about the gist of it here) so Instagram is really the best place to vicariously live through someone else and pretend for once, that my life isn't truly my life.

I deactivated my Instagram for the 57th time this year, I think, so I need to find another sense of escapism. No, that's not it. I actually turned it off because I don't want to pretend. I want to accept the fact that I am hurting, and I am doing something about it. Instead of being something I am not. 

And I'd do it again.

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