5:44 AM Hi everyone,
Today is possibly the 3rd? 4th? day without my main IG account. I always feel so peaceful whenever I deactivate my IG, there's just so much 'noise' there. The EY Key Megatrends Report included the rise of infodemic as a megatrend, especially due to social media. Not only did the explore feed overwhelm me, even looking at the stories of people I follow on IG saturates my brain. I feel so guilty to feel this way, and to be honest, I don't have the mental capacity to take up so much. So the break really allows me to breathe. And I'm enjoying it so far.
Biden became President. Political analysts were right, they were so confident that Biden was going to win. I'd really like to think that Gen Z played a big role in convincing each other to vote, and to be honest, we have seen so much damage Trump has done. As a central banker (ceh, I call myself this now hahaha), I have seen firsthand how the Trump administration has impacted businesses and economy as a whole. Now I look forward to see how the Biden administration would have to clean up the mess from Trump and set up ways to help tackle climate change, the US-China Trade War, systemic racism amongst other things.
Enough with the small talk. Nobody here cares about my past and the US. It shouldn't matter so much to me anyways. I mean it should, but I'd really like to separate my work from my personal life hahaha.
Remember when I said I went on social media detox to sort my life out? Well, I am sorting out the one thing I've always avoided, my toxic relationship with food.
Growing up Asian, we eat white rice on a daily basis three times a week, yes even for breakfast because nasi lemak is integral in our morning routine. That's not it, I was brought up with McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut. I know families have different ways of showing their love to each other, but mine is to treat me fast food. They'd give out the cash and say, "go ahead, get yourself some McDonalds.", and I'll be the one calling 1300-13-1300 to order for the whole family. And trust me, Malay food isn't really the healthiest option either.
However, it's funny how when I am overweight and chubby, they'd tell me to slim down. The most hurtful thing I was told recently was when I was dancing (because yes, I dance by myself in the living room all the time), and the person would walk and observe me while saying, "huh, but you're still fat.". I was brought up in this unhealthy lifestyle you raised me into, and yet, when I am in this state, you bully me? Anyways, just letting you guys know that these people aren't my mom.
As a matter of fact, my mom is the trailblazer who championed a healthy lifestyle. It was because of her that I started becoming sporty. She witnessed firsthand how I starved myself after being bullied in school and it was a turning point for her to help change our lifestyle. And as an adult, I will now help the both of us in the more important part of healthy living; good nutrition.
So yes, now is the time for me to address my relationship with food, and embed healthy eating culture into my day to day life.
I would also like to introduce you to Lilly Sabri, a fitness Youtuber who is also a certified physiotherapist for athletes in Premier League Championships. She is an absolute angel! She lives in the UK, and the UK is now having a lockdown. Hence, she released a 14-Day Lockdown Challenge and grouped us into a buddy system. So for me, I was grouped with a couple of Malaysians and omg let me tell you, I love it!
I was reading up on organisation culture and it is true that everyone feels the need to belong in a community. I now have a community, and it is empowering to be in this one! And you know what, yes, I do have a community now, and the workout varies everyday. It doesn't repeat so you don't get bored. One day you are doing HIIT, then weights, then pilates the next. It's just so fun! And because my newfound friends also eat healthily, I am encouraged to cook healthy meals too.
So maybe, this whole 'finding myself' and muddling myself in the waters of my life aren't so bad after all. I will always try and find myself. I may not have a goal or an endgame, but I do know that I want to live a life worth living.
You know friends, to be honest, today wasn't the best day. I had to take my very first emergency leave but I am beginning to work on myself and not be too harsh on myself and the people around me. As I tell myself again and again, I will take this one at a time. And so far, I'm loving the process :)
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