Eager Beaver

5:46 AM

Happy new year, readers!

If there's truly one thing I am grateful for (and alhamdulillah, I have found little things to be grateful for, albeit in such unprecedented times), it is that I am glad that you have stumbled upon and took the time to read my blog.

It is now the 5th day of 2021, my fourth month as a career woman (ooh). I don't know for some reason, I was so energetic at the end of last year, I've actually executed a 10 year plan and wrote out a really detailed plan for this year, for all aspects of my life. I am so grateful to have friends I can share my plans to, and sharing them to my closest friends keep me accountable.

My mom says I'm an eager beaver. I am unsure whether it is a good or a bad thing, but for some reason, I have so much energy. I genuinely do. Is it something to be proud of? It's normal, right? For people in the 20s to have so much energy. It feels like I need to always do something, so I jump on any given opportunity for me to do something. 

Hence, this year, I will leverage on the fact that I am indeed, an eager beaver, and will do my very best to help improve myself, contribute immensely to the Bank, and to the ummah as a whole.

Here's to a good year, insyaAllah.

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