
12:39 AM


The sound of her screams ignited the need for a visit. Her bloodshot eyes are something I've never seen before. She tells me she's wheezing badly. I called him up because only he can give her solace. I went to bed, telling my mum what I saw.


The maids seem to be in a relatively weak state. They were sent some antibiotics.


My mum seems to feel feverish. Something is definitely not right. We sought for help, was told what she has is a lung infection and that we must wear a mask if we feel uncomfortable around her.

My maid begged to go to the clinic. The doctor told her to come back in a few days should further symptoms develop.

(She) was drugged up, she purposely fell off the couch. Urged us to take us to the bed. The three of us gave it our all to prompt her up. She felt very warm.


I woke up feeling so cold. It was the day I am meant to wash my hair, I hairdryed my leg and it felt so warm and nice. I felt fatigued. It was the day a doctor came to give a swab test. 

It is happening. All of us are positive Covid-19. He is spared initially, maybe the vaccine helped.


We can't go to the assessment centre to assess whether we should be home quarantined or go elsewhere. Moved upstairs to be quarantined.


Went to the CAC. It was way too many people too count, and mind you, I came there half an hour before the opening time. We were all home quarantined. He was sent elsewhere now that we are home quarantined. She is in a critical condition, she is now being intubated to ensure her oxygen level goes up to 100%


We found out the driver who drove her to her chemo session has Covid-19 too, along with 5 of his family members. His kids are still very young. He is immediately sent to MAEPS. I start having heart palpitations, it is a race against my lungs and my heart


Having the time of the month whilst having Covid-19 is the worst. But thank god for Panadol. I know it will hurt my liver in the end, but I had no choice, it was the only way I could calm my chills and period pain. I can't taste literally anything, I can't even smell anything. He got diagnosed with Covid-19 too, that makes 12 of us now.


Mum desperately wants to go to the private hospital. I called some private hospitals in my district. All of them are full. We agreed to stay at home.

I couldn't sleep as there's something off about what I ate. I am forcing my body to throw it out. Felt good once its out. I am starting to taste and smell. Though my oxygen level is starting to worry me.

I was offered milk, made my nausea worse. Couldn't sleep the whole day, kept thinking about food that make me want to throw up. Had hot water with lemon. Felt better afterwards

I can finally start praying! But praying is so hard when you can't breathe properly, may Allah assist me in praying.

-to be continued -

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