
9:10 AM

there was a time when i hated going to the office so much i would rather curl up in my room for months

but i’ve grown fond of the office that i go there even on days i don’t have to

it’s not often i get to write my day in the life, but today was a day i felt worth recording

i would start my day off at the same corner in kupang, sat at the table of eight, when i’m the only one having breakfast

just on my ten o clock would typically be the couple whose retired husband is in my swim squad, i met him in bnm langkawi resort. he would often have breakfast with his still-working wife, a morning ritual, like how i would sit here with my tiny 5-year old journal, which, speaking of, would reach its retirement soon. sometimes we say hi, today we didn’t. update: saw his wife at the surau today and she asked “you’re in the pj palms swim squad aren’t you? my husband told me about you!”

today i wondered if i too will end up having a wholesome breakfast donning my swim squad tshirt as a retiree with my still-working spouse, but for now, just stressing out about board paper on my own would do.

but i really was not on my own. i bumped into a friend on the way down and asked to have breakfast together. we did and we laughed the loudest in kupang when he mistook me for the artist who invited me on stage, because i truly was the bigger diva on stage. we spoke about the troubles in our lives right after but for some reason it felt good to have a friend that the problems seemed to have diminished, and that today, i felt, okay, i can in fact, take on the world.

but the whole reason why i went to work really was because i booked the dance studio with my friends. did we really dance? debatable. but did we devour our hearts out on the pizza and fries after? absolutely. there’s something beautiful about friendships that stem out of a common love for something. and what evolves from there. i saw it this day, and i think to myself, wow what beautiful friends i have. what a blessing to have people i can stumble upon and freely yap my heart out, and they’d just listen, and i get to do the same? people trust me enough for that? i guess i really did evolve from the girl who’d constantly eat alone in high school thinking she’d be a loner for the rest of her life. nothing wrong with eating alone still, because i still do that all the time. but i realise that wow, i indeed have the option to talk to friends, and wow these people do make me feel better! how lucky am i?

yay my prefrontal cortex has indeed developed.

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