school and boring stuff

11:35 PM

Well, my school started on 4th January 2011.

One word, 

Okay, maybe not that crappy. It's just me being all drama queen. Maybe it's because I am sick today thanks to bottles of cold Vitagen and bloody air conditioners and dusty places.

I'm sorry. I'm being wacky.

It actually turned out well. I made friends on the very first day. Suddenly I miss my Form 1 teachers who taught me aka Pn. Rozilawati, Pn. Sabrina, Encik Alias, and more. I miss their teaching-while-being-funny-while-being-strict at the same time. Maybe the strict thing only occurs in Puan Sabrina's case but actually I miss all of them. Well, life's gotta move on.

So I met all the teachers except my maths, history and geography teachers and more which I can't remember.

I sat beside a girl named Tharishinee. Mind spelling if you are reading this. 2 Meranti seems, okay. I think it is a little like 1 Bakti because they all sat in cliques and whenever teacher asks to form a group, they'll choose their familiar friends.

Nevermind that, our so-called 'bond' will grow stronger as the time passes by.

Oh and I overheard these Form 3 girls saying that they hated their form 2 class last year. But at the end of the year, they regretted they didn't enjoy their class from the beginning of the year. So people, enjoy yourself!

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