Uncle's Engagement + Life

7:04 AM

Yesterday on the 18th March 2012, my uncle got engaged with his beautiful girlfriend, or shall I say fiancee now? She is very pretty. Prettier without her makeup, actually.

It went fine, saying all those prayers, and granny putting a ring on it.. I mean to Aunt Shafaf. In the Malay tradition, fiancees aren't supposed to meet each other during the engagement. But when uncle came because someone asked him to come, without hesitate, he went beside Aunt Shafaf. Then grandpa said, 'NO ONE EVEN INVITED YOU ALSO". The whole invitees were laughing at him. Embarrassing, right? Buat malu je.

So this was before the engagement. Everyone was preparing for the tepak sireh and the other engagement gifts. And this is what the person getting engaged was doing.

I do not know what will happen when he's getting married. 
 Back to school today! I figured the day will be awfully crappy since I have a feeling I will get a bad mark for Geography. But it turned out fine, Alhamdulillah. I got all As for now, now I just need to get result from my if-this-subject-was-human-it-will-be-my-biggest-enemy Living Skills and Art which I don't really study.

So these are my marks I got thus far, I got 81% for my Malay language. I got 79% at first then Alhamdulillah, teacher realized that she forgot to add a mark for my BM summary. 94% for History, 49/50 for Agama, 90% for English, 94% for Maths, 90% for Science and 44/50 for Geography.

I hope I'll do better in other tests, Amin.

Yesterday was hectic. I was left by my van. I had to wait for hours for someone to pick me up. Then, I forgot I had tuition haha!

Today I went to house practice, Ruby Red is currently last. From now, I shall start contributing marks to Ruby Red. You Ruby Red readers, please don't get demerits from whoever. Come to house practices! Sad to see us from first last year and last today. It's not too late to change it.

When I was at SKKT waiting for Mia to finish. I went to 7-Eleven and saw Galaxie magazine. I only had RM4.90 with me. It's RM5. Uncle treated me the magazine and ahhhh! There's a Darren Criss poster whee!! I was jumping for joy at the cashier, in the van, everywhere!

So happy!

Now I'm stuck with my oral assessment practice. Good Night!

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