Well if you give up, you get what you deserve

9:07 AM

Aloha! Since exams is over, I can freely type anything to my blog without feeling guilty!

Last week on the 4th of March, I went to the World Kidney Day Run. I did 5km. But in real life, it's 6.5km. I did it for 51 minutes 51 seconds. Maybe earlier. But my timing sucks. But I might put the steep hills to blame.
And the lack of training.

Forgive my oh-I'm-so-tired face.

Today on the 11th March of 2012, I ran the Brooks Half Marathon at the National Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil (where I went to Paramore's concert whee!) Nope, it's called Brooks Half but I actually ran 5km. No, I don't think it's 5km either. My mum says its extra because last year she ran 5km she didn't have to go run another 400m track in the stadium. I was literally running ALL THE WAY then I almost stopped at the tracks. Its so huge and there's thousands of people trying to cut my line. But I managed to finish it around 50 minutes. 

Therefore, this two weeks of running left me with these two precious darlings of mine!

Well, tomorrow I'm off to Melaka for some more ikan bakar dining and swimming. So, buenas noches! 

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