Sirens For Silhouettes

7:45 AM

Hello! It was SFS in Sri Aman today. It's a suicide awareness walk where people get their hands tied with their partners and walked 3 KM. I partnered with Ilham and yeah we talked about stuff. I think it probably took us 15 minutes and we finished the walk. 

Later they had this selling stuff at their respective stalls. Since my class is too lazy to set up a stall, I helped 2 Bakti with the stall, maybe just a little. In the middle of selling things, there's a flash mob. It was totally fun. 

I also met my old school mates like Maisarah, A, L, K and many more. I met Ruhi once again! She looks so pretty with her new hair! 

 This is how the T-shirt looks like.

There's few performances. The only performance which I find interesting was Spades, the modern dancing group. I wanted to watch Altimet but I had to leave early.

All and all, it's such an amazing event! Interact Club should do more of these events! The only thing spoiling for me are couples who hold hands and kissed and hugged. I don't mind much, but I do mind Muslims who do that. It's gross and it's illegal in the Islamic world. I hope they realize that one day.

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