When you said you felt so happy you could die

7:55 AM

I am pathetically lazy this week. This is my whole day routine this week.

school - sleep till 5pm - blog - eat - tuition - sleep

What happened today? It was the Solar Competition. It's where we use solar energy to cook food, boil water etc. People might think it's lame, but I actually signed up for the certificate. Mum even laughed at me for joining this competition. But then, it ended up really fun. 

My team, A, R and I did a box cooker/boiler.

Surprisingly, it worked! The water we heated became 51 degree celcius. It might not be the highest but at least it worked.

And my Chin Woo Biathlon results are out! My swim time is 12 minutes 18 seconds and total time is 34 minutes 25 seconds. Not bad for a first timer to get 21/35 right?  I think I caught up with some competitors during running. I absolutely HAVE to improve my swimming.

So long, mes amis!

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