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10:35 AM

Hello! Do I sound cheerful to you? Ok good!

This month is June. Wow, it's already half a year! I'm still exploring the world. And on the 3rd of June, it's my birthday. I would like to thank Allah, the Almighty for giving me the chance to live another year, exploring this world and to learn wide range of knowledge. So far, it has been fun.

My mom did a 4-day-celebration for my birthday.

DAY 1.

On the 31st May, mom treated me to a spa in Bangsar Village. It's called Hammam bath spa. Firstly, we were taken to our respective lockers. The locker's awesome because you use a magnetic bracelet to unlock it. Then we went into this particular room where two Turkish women put on a weird mixture Henna + Beldi Black Soap . It's to prepare ourselves for the Gommage.

Then we were lying down on the Gommage room where they scrub our body vigorously until grimes came out. It's like a longer version of eraser dusts which is kinda creepy.

Then we were taken to a room where they massage us. 

Later, we ate lunch at The Loaf. Best. Lunch. Ever.

DAY 2.

We watched Men In Black 3 and Snow White and the Huntsman at GSC Tropicana. My review?

Men In Black

One word. Spectacular. I didn't watch MIB 1 and 2 so I didn't know who they were and all that. But it was really funny. It's about J travelling back to 1969 to save his friend K. Will he manage to save K before Boris the Animal kills him? Watch it!

Snow White and The Huntsman

Lips red as blood. Hair black as night. Bring me your heart my dear, dear Snow White. 

If you are not a huge fan of Kristen Stewart (that woman with no expressions) do not watch it. However, it is a must-watch movie though. Everyone expects that Snow White is the pretty one and the Queen is the ugly show-off woman who thinks she's pretty. Well, in my opinion, it's the other way round. To me, Ravenna (acted by Charlize Theron) is the prettiest in that movie. Kristen Stewart acts unbelievably. For instance, when she encouraged the village citizens to help her fight against the Queen, she doesn't seem very encouraging to me. No offence, Kristen Stewart fans. On the other hand, the Queen was so believable and she can act really well. Oh well, she's been acting since - forever! It's so opposite Snow White. But, it was amazing, admittedly.


Thank you so much to these lovely people! Only God knows how much I love you guys. :')


Today was the best part of all the celebration, the LASER TAG!

I invited Azreena, Melissa and Natashia for the party, but sadly Azreena didn't come due to a situation she can't avoid.

Today was fun.

It started with an individual game. I was Flame and I was all running and shooting other people and I got second place! Then, for the second game, it was a group game and someone stole my name and I was Titan. I was in red team with Mel, Nat, a cute girl and her bro. We got 1st place and I was placed first at the red team score board! In the arena, I hid somewhere, and when I come out from the hiding place, there were the Green team surrounding me like herds of cows. Hmm, bad strategy to win, huh? *ok I'm a bit mean but surrounding in one flock just to zap one opponent is irrelevant* The best part was when I hid in a box and the Blue team was walking onto the ramp slowly and I was like, zapping like a mad person. The last part was individual and new expert guys came so I got 6th place.

My mom calls them 'tall and lanky girls'

muka berminyak semua haha!

I should have taken the picture where I got 1st place! I was Magneto fyi

We were almost busted for taking this picture!
All in all, it's such a fantastic 4-day-celebration. Thank you Mom, for the best birthday gift ever. Although sometimes you embarrassed me in front of my friends (like just now) but thanks for being a good sport! I love you, maybe someday you'll read this post.

Here's a sneak peek of us discussing about stuff (I hope my NIE members won't kill me)

Oh look what cutie pie Ruhisha gave me for my birthday! Thank you, sweetie :)

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