No Free Lunch

4:48 AM

I got myself a new friend. What seemed to be a potential bond ended up eerily similar. Seeing that person made me remind me of you. Perhaps, I could rewrite history, or create a new ending. Perhaps I could form a friendship that I never had with you. Because you were always distant, I could never read you. I thought, maybe this is the time for me to right my wrongs.

Turns out, that person is only clinging on to me for one sole purpose only. Me and my big mouth. Why would I ever say something that would get their hopes up? Now this person is sticking by me til god knows when. But I could only hope they see that I cannot give them what they want.

But who am I to say this anyways? I am clinging on to this person only because it reminds me of you. 

But as my lecturer once said, "there's no such thing as free lunch", and I can only see one ending to this pathetic story.

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