
4:44 PM

When I started, I didn’t know where to go. 

I was a clueless young rookie who needed guidance.

I had a crutch who helped me as I walked on an unfamiliar path, one that is so much different than before.

Now I am deem able, I no longer need the crutch, or rather, it was made unavailable for someone who should be able to walk on her own.

But that’s the thing when you’ve held on to your crutch for too long, you try to walk, perhaps you even try to run, only to be rendered breathless. 

You start asking yourself, “is this the correct way to walk?”, and when you fall, it feels as if you shouldn’t have left your crutch in the first place.

But then again, 

I can’t depend on this crutch forever.

I have to continue walking, perhaps falling down will be frequent at the start. 

And one day, I will be able to run too. 

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